The Product
The Earthbolt Mk IV Precast and Tilt-Up Concrete Panel Prop Safety Anchor was designed as a temporary foundation system to replace traditional and costly cast in-situ concrete strip and bored pier designed footings. Using several industry engineering specialists in various disciplines the design agenda was simple; to create the safest and strongest temporary foundation system to resist movement under maximum wind loads.
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The Process
Earthbolt today is a product used and accepted by virtually every manufacturer of precast concrete panels in Melbourne where it first began, and after 7 years and over 100,000 installations the company has been used by over 270 commercial building companies in 3 states. The precast and tilt-up panel industry’s main benefit is its speed of construction and when it comes to speed and safety our team can install temporary footings for 100 panels in one day.
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The OH&S Advantage
The Earthbolt design and vision was always about creating a safer system for the commercial construction industry. This vision is no different with the company and its team of trained installers. One of the first documents produced for Earthbolt after its Business Plan was its OH&S Policy Manual in unison with Worksafe and the union; along with our SWMS and installation guidelines.
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The Cost Savings
Apart from the cost savings in respect to the speed of installation and general site cleanliness of the Earthbolt Precast Prop Anchor System, historically precast and tilt-up panels have been propped to an engineered strip footing design or bored pier (dead man pad) design.
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The Frequently Asked Questions
Please click the more information below button to view some of our Frequently Asked Questions. If the question you are looking for does not appear in our list, please feel free to contact us via email or phone, as we are always happy to speak to you and answer any question you may have.
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The History
The product we know as an Earthbolt today in the commercial construction industry harnessed old but proven technology based around helical piling or screw piling. This technology dates back to the 1830’s when an Irish Engineer named Alexander Mitchell searching for a more stable footing for tidal flats and muddy estuaries came up with the idea. When he realised the benefits of this cast iron screw pile design he patented it and in 1840 at Maplin Sounds on the Thames River mouth the first lighthouse was built using his technology. It took many years to be accepted but eventually it became the method of choice for a variety of lighthouses, harbours and pier projects. The Great Brighton Pier in Britain in the 1860’s used this technology and well over 120 years later the footings were still in place.
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